The email-based self-registration authentication method enables users to create their own accounts via the 'Create new account' button on the login page. They then receive an email at the address they specified in their account profile to confirm their account.
In your Course Administration go to Users / Enrolment methods / Self enrolment (Student)
Click the gear icon and define a Enrolment key.
Adding a group enrolment key to a course
If you wish your users to enrol themselves directly into a group in the course then you can set a group enrolment key which you then tell them to use when they access the self-enrolment screen.
In Course Administration go to Users / Groups / Edit group settings
Example of mail which can be sent out to users:
Welcome to our e-laerning platform
You can access the COURSE NAME by following these steps:
1. Go in to and click the “Create new account” button.
2. Choose a username and password
3. Wait a few minutes and you will receive an approval email; confirm and login.
4. Click then on this link (this is the URL/web address for the specific course, remember to change it to yours -[IDNUMBER]
5. As a Student click "Self enrolment (Student)" and use the enrolment key: YOURKEY
6. You are now in the Course.